Family Mail
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New messages will be added at the top of the list:


July 2004

Dorothy sends a message about new Grandson Jake, 7/19/04.


May 2004

Nicole Miles write about siblings and send a picture


April 2004  

Dot's son, Bruce, and wife Shosh, are expecting in July.

Grandchild having surgery

Thanks for the prayers, April 30


March 2004

Tracy (Moss) Kraus comments on Website, 3-1-04

Scott and Dina Schmid announce the arrival of a new daughter, Audrey

Doug Moss sends a message, 3-8-04

St. Patrick's Day was a special day for Wanda, Amy, and family - with the arrival of Mariah.  Note sent 3-24-04

Aunt Cele wrote a beautiful, historical story.  Laurie has given us permission to post her story. The same story is on Heinie's family page.

Wanda sees the old house in Bonnots Mill.