Bonnots Mill Family Hometown Bonnots Mill was the home town of the Joseph and Helen Schmid family. The first 9 family reunions were held in Bonnots Mill, at St. Louis' Parish Hall. Therefore, Bonnots Mill earns a special web page on both web sites, the reunion site and this family site.
These photos may bring back some happy memories.
The Dauphine Hotel is now being operated as a B&B. Click on the blue, underlined link to visit the web site for the hotel. Surf that site for a little more history on the town of Bonnots Mill.
CLARA'S MEMORIES OF BONNOTS MILL written - July 13, 2001 A kid's life growing up in a small town is much different than a kid in the city.
Some days Mary would pack a lunch and we would go to the field (by a creek) and have lunch with Rudolph. In the evening we would go to the barn and watch Ruddy feed the horses and milk the cow. When we came in, Mary would make this delicious milk soup. Paul and Dick would also spend some days with them. They were happy to see Dick come because he loved to chop wood. Joe and Opal lived upstairs at our house for some time. On the morning of December 24, 1928, Mom arranged for either Frank or Heinie (can't remember) to take me out to Mary's. When we came home in the evening, Arbell had been born. What a surprise! I was 6 years old and didn't even know Opal was going to have a baby. When Arbell learned to crawl and walk, I think she spent more time downstairs than she did upstairs. Her grandpa knew how to spoil babies. As I was growing up, Frank spent most of the time working away from home. He worked mostly on the river - pile driving and dike work. When Heinie and Cele were going together, Cele and I would wind up the old Victrola and dance. She taught me the one-step. Heinie and Cele also lived with my parents for a while. Jim was born (in a hospital) while they lived there. My parents had another baby to spoil.