Family Pages
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Henry (Heinie)
John (Dick)

(last updated 7-17-04)


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  Joe, Mary, Frank and Heinie were the oldest children of Joseph and Helen Schmid.  Click on the picture to see a larger view. (Clockwise from top: Joe, Mary, Heinie and Frank).

 "All dressed up and no place to go?"  What was the special occasion this day, were they just going to Church?  Mighty handsome/beautiful people. (Left to right - Front: Mary, Clara.  Back: Heinie, Frank, Joe, Paul, Dick). 

Fifty years ago this picture was taken, at the celebration of Joseph and Helen's 50th Wedding Anniversary, 1954.  Joseph was 81 in this picture, Helen 72. (Left to right - Front: Mary, Joseph, Helen, Clara.  Back: Dick, Heinie, Frank, Joe, Paul).   

 Helen was celebrating her 81st birthday when this picture was taken.  Clara must have had fun lighting all those candles for her Mom!  (1963) 

 The first generation.  Shortly after the death of Helen, the original "Schmid Kids" planned the first reunion.  The first reunion was August 15, 1971.  Every three years, since 1971, there has been a reunion of (and for) all the descendents of Joseph and Helen Schmid.  The triennial reunions will continue as long as you show your interest and continue the spirit in which these reunions were planned. (1971, From left to right: Heinie, Joe, Clara, Mary Frank, and Dick).  

    At the time of the 2001 Schmid Odyssey, the family population was estimated to be 449 strong.  (Be sure to write in and be counted for the Centennial census).  With all these relatives, this "Family Page" could get mighty crowded.  So, for your convenience, seven separate "family pages" have been created.  One site for each of the 7 original Schmid families.  Click on the buttons on the left margin at the top of this page.  

    I was brave enough to publish our family photo from 1963; I'm sure you have one just as cute of your family.  Send photos as an attachment through e-mail in .jpg format, or send in the U.S. mail (all photos will be returned).  Write an e-mail note and I'll be glad to send you my mailing address, or refer back to the directory from the last reunion - I'm listed there also.  *Please do not send photos that were included in the original website.  I have saved all of those photos, but it will take  time before I can get them re-inserted into this new web format.  **Please send "different" photos, so the web viewers have something new to see.


    Now don't forget to go up to the top of this page, click on MAIL BAG, and send a note for all to read.  Sending a note gives me permission for posting your message on the web site.  Or, just click right on this spinning E-mail button and send your message from there.